Our Town Winnetka aims to clarify and simplify many issues surrounding the Winnetka Park District 2030 Waterfront Plan.
In the section below, we will provide information on the following:
The plan has several phases, as identified above in the graphic attached.
As part of Phase 4, the Winnetka Park District’s board of commissioners and staff negotiated a property exchange agreement with a private family to allow the two parks and beaches to be combined into one.
The transaction would result in the Park District exchanging the southernmost end of Centennial Park/Beach for the lakefront property between Elder Lane Park/Beach and Centennial Park/Beach.
The parcel of property the Park District is acquiring is the same width at Sheridan Road and the same width at the beachfront as the parcel of property the Park District is conveying.
Every step was in accordance with Illinois Statutes and the Winnetka Park District Board unanimously approved the exchange agreement in October 2020.
To many, it was an equitable solution that would unlock community value for all residents. The exchange agreement remains on hold, due to continuing litigation.
That said, this progress has been delayed since June 2022, when the Winnetka Park District Board withdrew the pending permit applications due to a 3-2 vote, with two long-serving commissioners unable to attend the meeting and vote.
On October 27, 2022, the Park District voted to formally amend the Master Plan with 9 motions; two were passed unanimously:
Elder Lane beach remains closed due to damage to existing infrastructure, creating unsafe conditions.
The Park District, while wishing to reopen the beaches for the community, has a series of required permits awaiting approval from the Village of Winnetka and other regulatory agencies.
The most current video presentation -- from a Winnetka Park District Board Presentation on October 24, 2024 -- on the status of the beaches can be found here.
As a final note regarding the Park District's masterplan, Our Town Winnetka seeks to provide clarity to the approved restricted donation agreement between The Winnetka Park District and a private family that is associated with the exchange agreement.
Here are the facts:
Underlying the terms is a mutual agreement to maintain all elements for a term of 50 years, which is a benefit to the community.
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